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Together we achieve more by building and uniting together in purpose

Excelfore has been delivering Ethernet AVB solutions since 2010, and has built a strong expertise in providing end-to-end solutions. Excelfore’s Ethernet AVB stack is built on Linux, and works on any...

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Excelfore continues its innovation in AVB technologies with the introduction of the intelligent AVB camera sensor design. Cameras based on this innovative design will rapidly become a valuable edge...

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Excelfore announces it has the first AVB/TSN software stack to be certified by the AVnu Alliance. Excelfore is driving the next generation of connected car platforms. An AVnu-certified software stack...

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eSync™ is an end-to-end Cloud platform for securely delivering software over the air (SOTA) and firmware over the air (FOTA). eSync updates vehicle components including Headunit Components (e.g....

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eCloud- secure, scalable, high-availability Cloud server platform eSync™ enables full vehicle over-the-air (OTA) updates eMatics™ enables fleet telematics with automated service scheduling...

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SOTA Solution leverages Excelfore’s patented technologies in M2M and Adaptive Compression Detroit, Michigan, 1 June 2015 – Excelfore, an innovative provider of Automotive Internet-of-things (IoT)...

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EAVB Camera Module to be demonstrated at CES 2015 Fremont California, 18 December 2014 –Excelfore, an innovative provider of AVB interconnect technologies, announced today the availability of an...

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Excelfore announces its first eCam licensee Ethernet Audio-Video Bridging (AVB) Camera Electronics Design demonstrtaion at Convergence 2014 and IEEE Ethernet Day in Detroit Camera electronics design...

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Barco and Excelfore demonstrate an Ethernet Audio-Video Bridging (AVB) Software Stack at InfoComm Open-platform to drive faster adoption in Professional AVB markets Kortrijk, Belgium and Fremont...

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