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Together we achieve more by building and uniting together in purpose

Excelfore announces that the company’s eSync Agent Software Developer’s Kit (SDK) is now available through the Microsoft Azure Marketplace: LINK

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Integrated into telematics control unit To be used in multiple vehicle models Fremont, Calif., October 20, 2020 – Excelfore, an innovator in connected car technologies, announces that it has been...

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Enabling secure, efficient bi-directional communications between cloud and in-car ECUs

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Developer’s kit accelerates time-to-market for connected systems in automotive and industrial applications Fremont, Calif., May 26, 2020 – Excelfore, a technology innovator in automotive over-the-air...

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Fremont, Calif., January 20, 2020 – Excelfore, an innovator in automotive over-the-air (OTA) and data aggregation technologies, announces that its implementation of eSync has been adopted by Preh Car...

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Excelfore makes eSync data pipeline available through Microsoft Connected Vehicle Platform for Over-the-Air updates, diagnostics and telematics Excelfore working with Microsoft on scenario...

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Shanghai, China, September 4, 2019 – Excelfore, a pioneer of automotive data management, announces that FAW, one of China’s largest automotive manufacturers, is deploying the eSync over-the-air (OTA)...

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Fremont, Calif., June 25, 2019 – Excelfore, a pioneer of automotive data management, announces the eDatX platform for big data driven AI (Artificial Intelligence) learning in fields of error...

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eSync™ is an end-to-end Cloud platform for securely delivering software over the air (SOTA) and firmware over the air (FOTA). eSync updates vehicle components including Headunit Components (e.g....

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